The Link to Truth & Justice

> Lumina Diem

> Court of Public Justice





Jury Procedures

Jury Selection:                          

The Jury for each case is selected through a process of Jury Registration wherein you must identify the specific case you are interested in following by case number.   There is no limit to the number of jurors in any one case and you can be a juror in more than one case at a time.  Being on the Jury is your choice.  If you choose to join a case, please understand that your participation and vote is critical to the final verdict and therefore the outcome of the case, as in any traditional jury.

Jury Qualification:                     

To qualify as a member of the Jury, you must be a minimum of 18 years of age and complete the registration form in the Jury Registration Section providing the minimum information of your name, e-mail address and country of residence.  The additional information is helpful in our polling results but not essential. Your name and contact information will not be used for any other purpose outside of Court business. As in any traditional court proceeding, you cannot qualify for the Jury if you are involved in the same case as a witness which includes participating in the provision of any and all kinds of evidence to the court for either Plaintiff or Defendant. Your honesty in this regard is required.

Juror / Media Interaction:      

When you have initiated your membership with the Jury, we would also ask that you go to the Case Docket Section, locate your Case and click on at least three Media Referee e-mail links supplied for each case, or the "contact us" form where applicable, and send an e-mail informing them of your entry into a WWWCPJ case by designated case number. Please start all e-mails and "contact us" messages to the media with "WWWCPJ" in the subject line for Court and Jury recognition.  Regular Juror / Media Referee communication is critical for the case to progress with credibility toward a final verdict.  Also, sharing your thoughts with the Media / Referee for news worthiness as the case progresses will provide for the kind of public agreement that will get results and keep the case momentum going to a thorough conclusion.

Jury Instructions:                       

As Juror, you are instructed to:

  1. Review and become familiar with all of the material provided in the case by the Plaintiff and the Defendant. 
  2. View the selected Media / Referee's news reports on your Case and other national and regional news sources regularly for updates on the results of participating media investigation results.  
  3. Participate in the weekly verdict polls on Friday's in the Jury Poll Section as the case progresses and send your regular comments to the Court at justice@luminadiem.com, the Media Referees and other media sources of your choice.
  4. Discuss the Case with your family, friends and associates and invite their participation.  Remember, the more people involved, the more media / public pressure can be applied to the case to affect change in the system where required.  This is a great way to participate regularly in keeping world governments in tuned as to  the changing needs of society while eliminating inefficiency and corruption.
  5. If at any time during the case you determine that you have evidence to present, you must disqualify yourself as a juror.  This court relies on the honor system and expects everyone to behave with integrity. 

Remember, as Jurors in the World Wide Court of Public Justice, you are a critical member of the active conscience of the world's political system, making a difference in the efficiency of democratic government .... OF THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE AND BY THE PEOPLE....  one case, one jury, one vote and one verdict at a time!

                                                                                WE THE PEOPLE!








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Trial Procedures